logodynamip.jpg (2633 bytes) News

DynamIP Forum

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Table of Contents


News newspin.gif (26402 Byte)
Inventive Users

What is DynamIP?
What is DIPS?
How does it work?
Sample Templates


Setup Examples
newspin.gif (26402 Byte)
Trouble Shooting
User Manual
Advanced Users

WEBcam newspin.gif (26402 Byte)

NT Service

Meeting Places
Discussion Group
Mailing List

The Tribe
Year 2000 / Y2K




Please note that some entries are listed here for the record only, i.e. they are no longer relevant otherwise (Strikethrough Entries):

newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 5-April-99 Released DynamIP v3.50 with lots of new features, including WEBcam support. Download here
20-March-99 DynamIP v3.50 beta 5a-async features a fully asynchronous uploader. If you use the uploader you might want to upgrade to increase the performance. If you don't use the uploader there is no advantage from upgrading from v3.50 beta 5 to this special release.
7-March-99 Released DynamIP v3.50 beta 5 with lots of new features, including WEBcam support.
newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 5-March-99 Many new pages, e.g. Inventive Users and Setup Examples (includes WEBcam examples).
newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 28-February-99 Due to increasing spam traffic I have removed all the real e-mail address from these pages. To send e-mail you need to remove the string "DELspamETE_" from my e-mail address. Nevertheless, my personal policy of targeting identified spammers (and their ISPs!!!) with full force is still in effect. There are NO warnings: if you spam, your cyberlife will definitely be considerably less enjoyable in the future!
24-January-99 Released DynamIP v3.50 beta 4 with lots of new features, including WEBcam support. Download here
14-January-99 Released DynamIP v3.50 beta 3 with lots of new features, including WEBcam support. Download here
newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 28-December-98 zd5star.gif (2300 bytes) DynamIP v3.50 beta 2 got a 5 star Editor's pick from ZDNet (and you can safely assume that newer versions are much improved)
20-December-98 Released DynamIP v3.50 beta 2 with lots of new features, including WEBcam support. Download here
07-December-98 If you have problems with the uploader (STOU, error message 50x), please upgrade to beta 2 (the bug has been fixed).
25-November-98 Released DynamIP v3.50 beta 1 with lots of new features. Download here
22-November-98 Have you tried DIPS? Surf over to http://postmodem.com/dips-admin/ and see what this free service could do for you! We have added a lot of new features (e.g. offline forwarding) recently.
newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 21-October-98 You can now search the DynamIP site. At the bottom of every page you will find a search box like this one:
the DynamIP site for:

(this search service is offered by PinPoint)
20-October-98 We are working hard on a new version of DIPS. At the same time we are moving servers. This is why it is currently not possible to sign up for DIPS. No need to worry if you're already a member - the service is working normally. Just in case you're still using an old URL (http://hut.stanford.edu/...) please update it to http://postmodem.com/dips...). This new URL is already working (and the old one will stop working as soon as the new server gets activated!).
4-October-98 If you have trouble installing DynamIP because of problems related to Comctl32.OCX/Comctl32.DLL there is some more help available on the page Installation Problems
29-August-98 Activated the DynamIP Forum at Delphi. It features a Message Board and a Chat Room. More info on the page Discussion Group.
1-August-98 Released DynamIP v3.31, a minor upgrade that fixes some problems with v3.30 (download here).
31-July-98 All the problems with xoom have been sorted out, i.e. the DynamIP main site is once again up and running:
http://members.xoom.com/DynamIP/. Please note, however, that you should bookmark the main URL http://www.bigfoot.com/~DynamIP/ as this one will always take you to the main site.
19-July-98 For some unkown reason the DynamIP main site at xoom has been unavailable since 12-July-98. As I haven't been able to find out what the problem is I decided to move the DynamIP home to http://DynamIP.freeservers.com/. Please note, however, that you should bookmark the main URL http://www.bigfoot.com/~DynamIP/ as this one will always take you to the main site.
newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 12-July-98 If you haven't been able to use the DynamIP uploader because of FTP timeout problems, try to replace the path of the local file with something that does not contain any spaces. Details are available here [thx to Lanny Anon [whoever that is ;-)].
newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 1-July-98 Updated time server URLs on various pages. The new URLs are http://www.cis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/clock1.html and http://www.cis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/clock2.html (thx to CyberWolf for this info).
21-June-98 If you installed IE5 (preview/beta) on your system the Uploader may have stopped working. Check out DIPFTP Client to fix this problem.
newspin.gif (26402 Byte) 14-June-98 The list of IP addresses to scan if you want to find other people using IPchat can now be downloaded as a text file directly from the Meeting Places page.
13-June-98 A new version of the file WININET.DLL is available on the DIPFTP Client page (only for those who have IE4 SP1 installed).
03-June-98 a nice addition to the tribe... <no further comments>
29-May-98 added http://www.year2000news.com/ to Y2K page
24-May-98 Released DynamIP v3.30 final release (download here) with enhanced Uploader (DIPFTP Client for those who can't use MSINET.OCX). You can also install DynamIP as an NT Service.
10-May-98 Released DynamIP v3.30 beta 4 (download here) with enhanced Uploader (DIPFTP Client for those who can't use MSINET.OCX)
01-May-98 Redesigned the DynamIP web site and moved the main site to http://members.xoom.com/DynamIP/
01-May-98 The following URL takes you directly to the DynamIP main site:
- http://www.bigfoot.com/~DynamIP/
10-Mar-98 Updated regsvr32.exe on the DynamIP site (you only need this if you have problems with registering/unregistering OCX libraries).
03-Mar-98 Added a link to an MS Knowledge Base article that helps you fix the dial-up connection password problem (you only need this Win95 fix if you can't save passwords of your dial-up connections even though you have checked the appropriate box).
22-Feb-98 DynamIP v3.30 beta 3 with enhanced support for multi-user environments and systems with multiple IP addresses. Check out the new command line parameters and Winsock options in Setup DUN/RAS. / NEW Features!!!
20-Feb-98 DynamIP is once again at http://graphics.stanford.edu/~jbasch/cmu/DynamIP/
Please note that http://DynamIP.home.ml.org/ has been taking you to the DynamIP home since 1996, and this great service - Monolith - is still working...
11-Feb-98 added Yahoo's Y2K headlines on the Y2K page
06-Feb-98 I don't know what happened to iceinc.net (it's been down for quite a while). However, my Stanford site is running fine and you can also get the latest DynamIP version from any TUCOWS mirror (pick one close to you for a speedy download!)..
31-Jan-98 DynamIP v3.30 beta 2 with enhanced support for systems with multiple IP addresses (e.g. in LAN environment). Check out the new options in Setup DUN/RAS.
06-Jan-98 DynamIP mailing list. Sign up here.
01-Jan-98 DynamIP gets a new home at http://www.iceinc.net/DynamIP/
Unfortunately, this one went belly-up; DynamIP is once again at http://graphics.stanford.edu/~jbasch/cmu/DynamIP
30-Dec-97 added page DynamIP Y2K (DynamIP and the millennium bug)
30-Dec-97 added page DynamIP News (log of changes to the DynamIP site)
20-Dec-97 DynamIP v3.30 beta 1x may fix some uploader FTP problems
14-Dec-97 DynamIP v3.30 beta 1 released

Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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